提示 Note: 新生必须填写民族校委(CLSSA)要求的英文学生信息。New Students must fill the CLSSA Registration form and submit.

您填完中文报名表后提交,民族校委要求填写的学生信息表会自动出现,请填妥后提交。 After finishing the Chinese simple registration form,  CLSSA  student registration form will pop up. Please fill in student’s register form and submit.

提示 Note: 旧生不须要填写民族校委要求的英文学生信息。Old students are not required to fill the CLSSA Registration form.

当您填完中文简单注册后提交就可。CLSSA 只帮旧生大部分信息转到新年度,华联会会帮学生选上课班级,After finishing the Chinese simple registration form,  Old student will not be required to fill the official CLSSA form. OCASA will assign the class level for the student who will study in 2025.




For New Student:If you failed in filling CLSSA registration formPlease Click or scan below QR code to do it again.


Direct transfer Student tuition fee to OCASA bank account as below:

华联会银行账户 Account Name:OCA of SA Inc 

Bank:OCA BankSA 

BSB:105116    Account No: 054237440 

请注明: 学生姓名和班级 

Pls Specify: Student Name attttend Class